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Facial Rejuvenation

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) 
Blepharoplasty is performed for both functional and aesthetic reasons and is often done in combination with other procedures such as a browlift and facelift. 

If you are bothered by signs of aging in your face, facelift surgery may be right for you. There are as many combinations and variations on the procedure as there are patients! A facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck. It removes fat and tightens skin and muscles, giving your face a fresher, more youthful look. There are many options for facial rejuvenation that only can be determined during your consultation. Dr. Newman is an expert on all of your surgical AND nonsurgical options.

Our in-office mini-facelift is intended to target the lower two-thirds of the face. In general, patients who opt for a mini-facelift are still in their 40s or seeking enhancement of a previously performed facelift. Usually they want to remove minor sagging or drooping around the cheeks, jowls, and neck area. The procedure can be performed quickly and involves a shorter recovery period than traditional facelift surgery. Results are quickly evident and natural, revealing smoother, more youthful facial contours.

Neck Lift 
A neck lift or chin liposuction is performed to remove excess fat beneath the chin and tighten loose skin in the neck. Frequently necessary in combination with other facial rejuvenation procedures, the neck lift can produce dramatic results in patients whose chin and/or neck has sagged with age. 

Brow Lift 
Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift minimizes the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose. This procedure is done "endoscopically" for minimal access and minimal scarring. It improves what are commonly referred to as frown lines and repositions a low or sagging brow. 

Temporal Lift 
A temporal lift addresses the outer one third position of your eyebrow and helps reduce the excess skin lateral to the eye. It is a wonderful procedure that creates a naturally arched eyebrow.  A temporal lift will not raise the middle of the brow, but it will dramatically help to alleviate crow's feet at the corners of the eyes. Excess skin is removed and the outer corners of the forehead are raised. The incision is made in the hairline at the temples and can be done completely under local anesthetic in the office setting for instant results.

Facial Fat Grafting 
A very powerful benefit for facial rejuvenation is the ability to combat not only descent but also deflation. Though there are several excellent options for combating deflation with fillers, facial fat grafting is using fat from other areas to fill deflated areas such as lips, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, malar (cheek) hollowing, the glabella (between the eyebrows), the chin, etc. on the face. Though used frequently with face lift procedures, again this can be comfortably performed in the office setting with local anesthesia for excellent and long lasting results.